Emotions are energy in motion. When we allow them to move freely in our body- honoring and responsibly expressing them- we can think of them as a fluid body of water. Sometimes chaotic, sometimes peaceful, but nonetheless a healthy flowing stream.
When we experience an emotion and either stuff it down and pretend it doesn’t exist or we express it in unhealthy manners, the emotion becomes stagnant. It remains in our body, manifesting in many ways, and continues to be an underlying trigger.
You more than likely have heard the phrase that the body keeps the score or the issues live in the tissues.
All this to say, the body never forgets.
When we do not give an emotion its proper respect by being energy in motion, the body will continue to hold on to that emotion- until we choose to honor it.
Just because we are not consciously aware of an emotion, it is still ultimately running the show because the body is still responding to outward stimuli as threats and dangers.
Join me for a 60 minute workshop using breath, movement and somatic exercises to learn how to healthily explore, express and release your emotions.
This workshop begins with a basic understanding of the nervous system. What is happening when our bodies are in fight and flight and also when we are in rest, relax, digest.
We will then go into our breath and movement to access tools for self healing and soothing.
The intention behind this workshop is for you to gain a strong understanding of your bodies natural responses and become empowered with this knowledge. You will experience more comfort with being embodied, our ultimate source to living the present moment- full of gratitude, joy and love.
Investment: $25
This is a self paced workshop and after purchase, you will have lifetime access to it.